Centers of Excellence
Department of Pediatrics, Graduate School of Biomedical & Health Sciences, Hiroshima University, Hiroshima, Japan
Prof. Satoshi OKADA, MD. PhD.
Takaki ASANO, MD. PhD.
Strong point:
Genetics based diagnosis and characterization of PID. You can learn following points,
- Steps to elucidate the genetic causality for PID patients.
- How to identify the candidate variants in PID patients (WES, WGS, RNA-seq, Proteome analysis).
- How to do the functional analysis for the variants found in PID patients.
- Also can learn basic experimental technics, molecular biology, or genetics.
Patient’s care:
- Stem cell transplantation
PID: 2-3 cases/year (CGD, SCN, the other PIDs)
Malignant diseases: 15-20/year - Outpatient
Approximately 50 cases with PIDs
- Fellows can’t participate in the actual medical care for the patients without Japanese medical license, but can go around the in-patient work with the Japanese doctors every day.
We can arrange and discuss your schedule depending on your curiosity (For examples: Half for clinical and half for research, or all for research etc.).